Pomoc pro seniory odeslána – InoCure pomáhá v boji proti Covid19

Pomoc v boji s koronavirem

Nanovlákenné roušky pro české seniory
Pomoc v boji s koronavirem
Nanovlákenné roušky pro české seniory
Up-SCALING MATTERS: Face masks production to fight #COVID19 on INOSPIN MINI – modular and compact #electrospinning device . We are really proud on our desktop device because of the production capacity proven during the time of crisis. We have been able to produce 250 squared meters of nanofibers per 1 day (8 hours working shift) on Desktop Electrospinning device InoSPIN MINI. It is a great success for the desktop device!
Nanofibers and Nanoparticles production for face masks and air filtration
More info:
Novel Nanofibers for commercial respiratory
Another success of the cooperation InoCURE with Rhine-Waal University in the fight against COVID19 epidemy. Vincenzo Farano, PhD is a part of the research team led by Professor Dr. Amir Fahmi, which has developed a novel coating made of biocompatible hybrid nanofibers for commercial respiratory masks. We are proud. They said about us: